0121 630 3221
0730 648 4999
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A tractor overturned rearwards, the driver is thrown from the cab.

Do you have the skills to help?

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A tractor driver was electrocuted, his tipping trailer touched an OHPL.

Do you have the skills to help?

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A worker is knocked to the ground by a bull.

Do you have the skills to help?

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An employee was crushed when filling feed bags,
the hopper slipped and fell from the forks.

Do you have the skills to help?

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A workers was scalped when her long hair was grabbed by the feeding machine.

Do you have the skills to help?

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A tractor driver was crushed while taking a fertiliser spinner off a tractor.

"Does he need CPR?"

Welcome to FirstAid4Farms!

Our training is targeted, specific and relevant to anyone involved with Farms in any capacity, Our courses are relevant to everyone working on farms, whether employer, employee or self-employed, and will help you identify the causes of injuries and ill health, eliminate hazards and control risks.

Immediately and properly examining and treating injuries may save life and is essential to reduce pain and help injured people make a quick recovery. Neglecting or inefficiently treating an apparently trivial injury may lead to infection and ill health. All farms must have first-aid equipment available, but what is appropriate for you will depend on the nature of your business and the types of incident that may happen.

Remember, visiting workers such as lorry drivers, agronomists and vets are also at risk and you have a duty to make sure they are safe when they are on your premises or farm.

These highly specialised courses give you the skills, confidence and knowledge necessary to provide immediate and critical first aid. Learn how to deal with common farm accidents including severe bleeding, amputations, crush injuries and hypothermia and what it takes to actually SAVE A LIFE and a WHOLE LOT MORE – FirstAid4Farms rolls out its courses to agricultural workers, across the UK!

FirstAid4Farms is tailored to the types of injuries likely to be encountered working in agriculture, delivered in a way that fits with the busy routine of a working farm, by health care professionals that deal with these injuries on a daily basis.

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